Alameda County Office of Dental Health

Resources for General Public

COVID-19 information can be found here.

A Healthy Smile for Your Baby: Tips to Keep Your Baby Healthy

Available in EnglishSpanish

Holt K, Barzel R. 2009. A Healthy Smile for Your Baby: Tips to Keep Your Baby Healthy. Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.


A Healthy Smile for Your Young Child: Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy

Available in English | Spanish

Holt K, Barzel R. 2014. A Healthy Smile for Your Young Child: Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy (rev.). Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.


Early Childhood Caries

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese


Healthy Teeth at Every Age

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

An informational booklet for the general public about how to have a healthy mouth and teeth at every age. All photos in this booklet have been used with permission and consent of the subjects. All photos were taken before the shelter-in-place order due to COVID-19. 2020.

Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles

Available in English | Spanish

National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center. National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. (2016). Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles.


Dental Sealant Information For Parents

Available in English

Fact sheet for parents on the benefits of dental sealants. Produced by Washington State Department of Health. Oral Health Program.


Keep Kids’ Mouths Healthy

This website is a great tool for parents to refer to when looking for more information about taking care of their kids’ teeth, and it also has fun, entertaining 2 minute videos that kids can watch while brushing their teeth. Produced by The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives-a coalition of the leading organizations in the field of oral health.



Available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

Fact sheet produced by the California Dental Association on the benefits of dental sealants.


Keep a Bright Smile: Families

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

One-page handouts for families show 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

References: American Academy of Pediatrics. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, 010814, rev 12/2020

Keep a Bright Smile: Young Children

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

One-page handouts for young children show 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

References: American Academy of Pediatrics. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, 010814, rev 12/2020

Choose Water for A Healthy Mouth & Body

Available in Burmese | Chinese | English | Farsi | Spanish | Tigrinya

One page flyer which describes the many benefits of water for overall health.

Keep a Bright Smile: School-Age Children

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

One-page handouts for school age children show 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

References: American Academy of Pediatrics. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, 010814, rev 12/2020

Rethink Your Drink

Available in English | Spanish

This article discusses sugar content in drinks and suggest strategies to reduce intake of sugary drinks. It also includes a list of other names for added sugars in drinks. It was produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Encouraging Your Child to Drink Water

Available in English

This article discusses strategies that parents can use to encourage their children to drink water. It was published by Head Start.

Oral Health Information for Moms and Moms-to-Be

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

Factsheet on some answers to some of the most frequently asked about dental health questions relating to pregnancy, infants, toddlers and children. Made available by California Dental Association.


Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

Available in English | Arabic | Chinese | Chuukese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Samoan | Spanish | Vietnamese

This handout provides information on how to take care of your oral health while pregnant. Produced by the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.


Two Healthy Smiles: Tips to Keep You and Your Baby Healthy

Available in English | Spanish

Taking care of your mouth while you are pregnant is important for you and your baby. Brushing, flossing, eating healthy foods, and getting dental checkups and treatment will help keep you and your baby healthy. Holt K, Barzel R. 2009. Two Healthy Smiles: Tips to Keep Your Baby Healthy (rev.). Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.


Oral Cancer. Are you at Risk? What are the Signs and Symptom? Should you have an Oral Cancer Exam?

Available in English

Infographic summarizes oral cancer risk factors and tip on how to do a self-exam.  Made available by the National Institutes of Health. American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. NIH Publication No: 16-5032 September 2016.


Diabetes Dental Tips

Available in English | Spanish

Factsheet from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research describes the relationship of oral health & diabetes and lists ways to maintain healthy mouth. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. NIH Publication No. 17-2946. August 2017.



Available in EnglishSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

Factsheet explaining the benefits of replacing missing teeth your health and your appearance. Produced by the California Dental Association.


Healthy Teeth at Every Age

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

An informational booklet for the general public about how to have a healthy mouth and teeth at every age. All photos in this booklet have been used with permission and consent of the subjects. All photos were taken before the shelter-in-place order due to COVID-19. 2020.

Keep a Bright Smile: Older adult (65+)

Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

One page handout for older adults showing 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, rev 05/2021

Medi-Cal Dental Benefits for Seniors

Available in English

This flyer produced by the Medi-Cal Dental program lists the services that are covered by the Medi-Cal Dental program for seniors.


Periodontal (Gum Disease) Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

A concise explanation of the causes, symptoms and prevention of periodontal disease. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines gingivitis and periodontal disease, related risk factors, symptoms and treatments. Publication available by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse. NIH Publication No. 13-1142. 2013 September.

Risk Factors for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers

Available in English | Spanish

This article discusses risk factors for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers. It was produced by the American Cancer Society.


Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Available in English | Spanish

This patient brochure discusses the causes of dry mouth, the importance of saliva to oral health, and steps to follow to relieve dryness. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. US Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health. NIH Publication No. 17-3174. August 2020.


Oral Health in Older Adults: Seniors

Also available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

Factsheet explains what specific changes take place and how treatment and preventive methods may need to change with time. Produced by the California Dental Association.


Oral Health Resource Information for Caregivers of Older Adults

Brushing: Available in English
This fact sheet offers practical suggestions about how to provide guidance or direct care, as well as tips that may make brushing easier. Part of the "Oral Health & Aging: Information for Caregivers" series

Flossing: Available in English
A companion to the "Brushing" fact sheet, "Flossing" offers a step-by-step guide to those who can floss independently and provides tips for caregivers on how to floss someone else’s teeth. Part of the "Oral Health & Aging: Information for Caregivers" series.

Dry Mouth and Older Adult: Available in English
This fact sheet discusses the common causes of dry mouth in older adults and offers tips on how to get relief. Part of the "Oral Health & Aging: Information for Caregivers" series.

Publications made available by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. August 2018


Receding Gums

Also available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

Fact sheet on receding gumline and periodontal disease. Produced by California Dental Association.



Dentists in Alameda County

The Office of Dental Health compiles a list of dentists in Alameda County who are accepting new patients. This list was updated in November 2024.

Find a Medi-Cal dentist »

Smile California Website

This website provides information on dental benefits available for Medi-cal enrolled members and helps you find a Medi-Cal Dental Provider in your area.

Source:   Also available in Spanish:


This website provides Denti-Cal members with a new way to search for local dentists that may be accepting new patients. You can narrow down your search results by specifying the distance you are willing to travel, a preferred language, among other criteria. 


Alameda County Social Services Agency

This website is an online system that will provide customers the option of applying for Medi-Cal. Calwin is the fast, easy way for California residents to get the help they need.


Dental Care Every Day: A Caregiver's Guide

Available in English

This booklet for caregivers details the important role they play at home in maintaining good oral health for their family member or client with special needs. Publication made available by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.



The Importance of Fluoride for Healthy Teeth

Fluoride is a mineral that is found in water and many foods. Fluoride helps protect teeth from cavities! Fluoride protects the enamel of your teeth by making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria in the mouth. Most people in the United States have tap water with fluoride added. Water fluoridation helps reduce tooth decay by more than 25% in children and adults.
If you live in area where your drinking water is not fluoridated or if you use a filtration system such as reverse osmosis that removes fluoride from your water, you can get fluoride by:

  • using toothpaste with fluoride
  • using fluoride mouth rinses for people over age six
  • buying water with added fluoride

Talk with your dentist or doctor about whether getting fluoride varnish treatments would be a good choice for you.

Why Fluoride In Your Tap Water Is a Good Thing

Video: English

YouTube 3 mins video on the benefits of community water fluoridation.

Source: American Dental Association, 2016

Five Reasons Why Fluoride in Water is Good for Communities

Available in English

Factsheet on benefits of drinking fluoridated water and community water fluoridation.

Source: American Dental Association 2021

Fluoride Varnish - Helping Smiles Stay Strong

Available in English

Brochure for parents and caregivers on importance of fluoride varnish.

Source: California Department of Health Care Services, Child Health and Disability Prevent (CHDP) Program, Oral Health Subcommittee. 2018

Fluoride Cavity Fighter

Poster Available in: English | Spanish

Fluoride: Cavity Fighter. Children can maintain good oral health in 4 ways.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2015

Why do Children Need Fluoride?

Poster: English | Spanish

Poster for parents and caregivers on the need for fluoride in children.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2015

How Fluoride Works

Available in English | Spanish

Poster for parents and caregivers on how fluoride helps protect the teeth: “Como la Fluoracion de la Agua Comunitaria Previene Caries Dental”.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2019

Dentists in Alameda County

The Office of Dental Health compiles a list of dentists in Alameda County who are accepting new patients. This list was updated in November 2024.

Find a Medi-Cal dentist »

Transportation Support

Medi-Cal covers non-medical transportation and non-emergency medical transportation to your dental or medical appointments. See flyer for more information.

Available in English | Spanish

Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Waiver Form

For parents, who cannot complete a Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA) please have the complete this waiver.

Available in:  English | Spanish 


Alameda County KOHA Flyer

KOHA flyer explains the importance of oral health assessment to parents.

Available in:  English | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese

Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Form

The Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA) form is to be distributed to parents during kindergarten registration.

Available in:  English | Spanish 

  • Infants, Children and Youth

    Encouraging Your Child to Drink Water

    Available in English

    This article discusses strategies that parents can use to encourage their children to drink water. It was published by Head Start.

    Rethink Your Drink

    Available in English | Spanish

    This article discusses sugar content in drinks and suggest strategies to reduce intake of sugary drinks. It also includes a list of other names for added sugars in drinks. It was produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Choose Water for A Healthy Mouth & Body

    Available in Burmese | Chinese | English | Farsi | Spanish | Tigrinya

    One page flyer which describes the many benefits of water for overall health.

    Keep a Bright Smile: School-Age Children

    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

    One-page handouts for school age children show 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

    References: American Academy of Pediatrics. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, 010814, rev 12/2020

    Keep a Bright Smile: Families

    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

    One-page handouts for families show 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

    References: American Academy of Pediatrics. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, 010814, rev 12/2020

    Keep a Bright Smile: Young Children

    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

    One-page handouts for young children show 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

    References: American Academy of Pediatrics. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, 010814, rev 12/2020

    Healthy Teeth at Every Age

    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

    An informational booklet for the general public about how to have a healthy mouth and teeth at every age. All photos in this booklet have been used with permission and consent of the subjects. All photos were taken before the shelter-in-place order due to COVID-19. 2020.


    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

    Fact sheet produced by the California Dental Association on the benefits of dental sealants.


    Keep Kids’ Mouths Healthy

    This website is a great tool for parents to refer to when looking for more information about taking care of their kids’ teeth, and it also has fun, entertaining 2 minute videos that kids can watch while brushing their teeth. Produced by The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives-a coalition of the leading organizations in the field of oral health.


    Dental Sealant Information For Parents

    Available in English

    Fact sheet for parents on the benefits of dental sealants. Produced by Washington State Department of Health. Oral Health Program.


  • Prenatal / Pregnancy

    Two Healthy Smiles: Tips to Keep You and Your Baby Healthy

    Available in English | Spanish

    Taking care of your mouth while you are pregnant is important for you and your baby. Brushing, flossing, eating healthy foods, and getting dental checkups and treatment will help keep you and your baby healthy. Holt K, Barzel R. 2009. Two Healthy Smiles: Tips to Keep Your Baby Healthy (rev.). Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.


    Tips for Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

    Available in English | Arabic | Chinese | Chuukese | Korean | Portuguese | Russian | Samoan | Spanish | Vietnamese

    This handout provides information on how to take care of your oral health while pregnant. Produced by the National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center.


    Oral Health Information for Moms and Moms-to-Be

    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

    Factsheet on some answers to some of the most frequently asked about dental health questions relating to pregnancy, infants, toddlers and children. Made available by California Dental Association.


  • Adult and Older Adult (65+)

    Risk Factors for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers

    Available in English | Spanish

    This article discusses risk factors for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers. It was produced by the American Cancer Society.


    Periodontal (Gum Disease) Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

    A concise explanation of the causes, symptoms and prevention of periodontal disease. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services defines gingivitis and periodontal disease, related risk factors, symptoms and treatments. Publication available by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse. NIH Publication No. 13-1142. 2013 September.

    Medi-Cal Dental Benefits for Seniors

    Available in English

    This flyer produced by the Medi-Cal Dental program lists the services that are covered by the Medi-Cal Dental program for seniors.


    Keep a Bright Smile: Older adult (65+)

    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

    One page handout for older adults showing 9 actions on how to prevent problems with oral health and keep a healthy mouth.

    Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Adapted from CAMBRA- CDA Journal Oct/Nov. 2007. ACPHD Office of Dental Health, rev 05/2021

    Healthy Teeth at Every Age

    Available in English | Spanish | Chinese

    An informational booklet for the general public about how to have a healthy mouth and teeth at every age. All photos in this booklet have been used with permission and consent of the subjects. All photos were taken before the shelter-in-place order due to COVID-19. 2020.

    Receding Gums

    Also available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

    Fact sheet on receding gumline and periodontal disease. Produced by California Dental Association.



    Oral Health Resource Information for Caregivers of Older Adults

    Brushing: Available in English
    This fact sheet offers practical suggestions about how to provide guidance or direct care, as well as tips that may make brushing easier. Part of the "Oral Health & Aging: Information for Caregivers" series

    Flossing: Available in English
    A companion to the "Brushing" fact sheet, "Flossing" offers a step-by-step guide to those who can floss independently and provides tips for caregivers on how to floss someone else’s teeth. Part of the "Oral Health & Aging: Information for Caregivers" series.

    Dry Mouth and Older Adult: Available in English
    This fact sheet discusses the common causes of dry mouth in older adults and offers tips on how to get relief. Part of the "Oral Health & Aging: Information for Caregivers" series.

    Publications made available by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. August 2018


    Oral Health in Older Adults: Seniors

    Also available in English | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

    Factsheet explains what specific changes take place and how treatment and preventive methods may need to change with time. Produced by the California Dental Association.


    Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

    Available in English | Spanish

    This patient brochure discusses the causes of dry mouth, the importance of saliva to oral health, and steps to follow to relieve dryness. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. US Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health. NIH Publication No. 17-3174. August 2020.



    Available in EnglishSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Hmong | Vietnamese

    Factsheet explaining the benefits of replacing missing teeth your health and your appearance. Produced by the California Dental Association.


  • Medi-Cal Dental Program

    Dentists in Alameda County

    The Office of Dental Health compiles a list of dentists in Alameda County who are accepting new patients. This list was updated in November 2024.

    Find a Medi-Cal dentist »

    Smile California Website

    This website provides information on dental benefits available for Medi-cal enrolled members and helps you find a Medi-Cal Dental Provider in your area.

    Source:   Also available in Spanish:


    This website provides Denti-Cal members with a new way to search for local dentists that may be accepting new patients. You can narrow down your search results by specifying the distance you are willing to travel, a preferred language, among other criteria. 


  • Medi-Cal Enrollment

    Alameda County Social Services Agency

    This website is an online system that will provide customers the option of applying for Medi-Cal. Calwin is the fast, easy way for California residents to get the help they need.


  • Special Health Care Needs

    Dental Care Every Day: A Caregiver's Guide

    Available in English

    This booklet for caregivers details the important role they play at home in maintaining good oral health for their family member or client with special needs. Publication made available by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.



  • Fluoride Information

    Why do Children Need Fluoride?

    Poster: English | Spanish

    Poster for parents and caregivers on the need for fluoride in children.

    Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2015

    How Fluoride Works

    Available in English | Spanish

    Poster for parents and caregivers on how fluoride helps protect the teeth: “Como la Fluoracion de la Agua Comunitaria Previene Caries Dental”.

    Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2019

    Fluoride Cavity Fighter

    Poster Available in: English | Spanish

    Fluoride: Cavity Fighter. Children can maintain good oral health in 4 ways.

    Source: American Academy of Pediatrics, 2015

    Fluoride Varnish - Helping Smiles Stay Strong

    Available in English

    Brochure for parents and caregivers on importance of fluoride varnish.

    Source: California Department of Health Care Services, Child Health and Disability Prevent (CHDP) Program, Oral Health Subcommittee. 2018

    Five Reasons Why Fluoride in Water is Good for Communities

    Available in English

    Factsheet on benefits of drinking fluoridated water and community water fluoridation.

    Source: American Dental Association 2021

    Why Fluoride In Your Tap Water Is a Good Thing

    Video: English

    YouTube 3 mins video on the benefits of community water fluoridation.

    Source: American Dental Association, 2016

    The Importance of Fluoride for Healthy Teeth

    Fluoride is a mineral that is found in water and many foods. Fluoride helps protect teeth from cavities! Fluoride protects the enamel of your teeth by making teeth more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria in the mouth. Most people in the United States have tap water with fluoride added. Water fluoridation helps reduce tooth decay by more than 25% in children and adults.
    If you live in area where your drinking water is not fluoridated or if you use a filtration system such as reverse osmosis that removes fluoride from your water, you can get fluoride by:

    • using toothpaste with fluoride
    • using fluoride mouth rinses for people over age six
    • buying water with added fluoride

    Talk with your dentist or doctor about whether getting fluoride varnish treatments would be a good choice for you.

  • Dental Providers

    Dentists in Alameda County

    The Office of Dental Health compiles a list of dentists in Alameda County who are accepting new patients. This list was updated in November 2024.

    Find a Medi-Cal dentist »

  • Transportation Support

    Transportation Support

    Medi-Cal covers non-medical transportation and non-emergency medical transportation to your dental or medical appointments. See flyer for more information.

    Available in English | Spanish

  • Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA)

    Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Waiver Form

    For parents, who cannot complete a Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA) please have the complete this waiver.

    Available in:  English | Spanish 


    Alameda County KOHA Flyer

    KOHA flyer explains the importance of oral health assessment to parents.

    Available in:  English | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese

    Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Form

    The Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment (KOHA) form is to be distributed to parents during kindergarten registration.

    Available in:  English | Spanish 

For general information,
please call (510) 208-5910
Alameda County Office of Dental Health

Alameda County Office of Dental Health
1000 Broadway, Suite 500
Oakland, CA 94607

Tel: (510) 208-5910 | Fax: (510) 273-3748

Alameda County Public Health Department